What is it?

The Harmonized Results Management Framework (HRMF) establishes a unified monitoring system that aligns all stakeholders and showcases the initiative's impact, facilitating the attraction of new funding sources. It respects the diversity of GGW partners by tailoring reporting requirements to their varied capabilities, which ensures inclusivity and effectiveness.

Structured into three tiers — Core Indicators, Pillar Indicators, and Sub-Pillar Indicators — and clustered around the GGW Pillars, the HRMF provides varying levels of granularity, enabling detailed and nuanced analysis of the initiative's progress.


Reporting on the HRMF happens in two ways. From the top down, donors (Technical and Financial Partners) report on the progress of the GGW using the 5 Core Indicators, whereas bottom-up the National Agencies of the GGW countries along with implementing partners report with the help of the Sub-Pillar Indicators. The GGW Observatory can be used to collect data from both sources and match them.


The HRMF was developed in consultation with various stakeholders involved in the GGW. A key focus during this development was ensuring alignment with existing monitoring frameworks, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A comparative analysis between the GGW and the SDG showed that the initiative exhibits synergies with all SDGs and it contributes to almost 50% of the 169 specific SDG Targets as demonstrated by Figure 2. Notably, the initiative exhibits particularly strong linkages to SDG 15 (Life on Land), where efforts to combat desertification and restore degraded land are paramount; SDG 13 (Climate Action), which is supported by the GGW's initiatives to mitigate climate change impacts; SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), achieved through job creation and economic empowerment in rural areas; and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), by enhancing community resilience and sustainability. Additionally, the GGW supports the achievement of SDGs related to poverty alleviation (SDG 1), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), sustainable consumption and production (SDG 12), health and well-being, and global partnerships (SDG 17), to name a few, illustrating the comprehensive impact of the GGW on sustainable development in the Sahel.